Monday, August 5, 2013

Reverse Couponing

I call this post "reverse couponing" because instead of bragging about how much I was able to save by using coupons, I am going to give you all a little insight into what grocery store shopping costs in Mother Russia....

 I am not sure if this is an accurate portrayal of it because I did go to probably one of the more expensive grocery stores in Moscow, but so far, they all seem pretty expensive to me :) I quickly learned about the famed "Stockmann" store when moving here. This place is like mecca to an American, especially one who misses food from back home. I think they make some serious bucks on Americans who just can't go without their cheddar cheese, peanut butter, cake mixes, frosting tubs, cream of mushroom soup for casseroles, etc, etc.

About a week ago we made our first trip to Stockmann. I sure didn't expect it to be a grocery store tucked in the back of a department store the likes of Nordstrom. It seemed kinda weird to me, but oh well, I really wanted some cheddar cheese!

I went back for my second trip this weekend with S and got a few more "special" items:

4 boxes of Macaroni and Cheese
4 granola bars (not a box, just four individual bars)
1 box of some kind of baggies (I later found out they stick closed similar to a ziploc bag)
1 small block of cheddar cheese
2 yummy gooey pecan pastries (these things are amazing!)
1 bag (I have to mention the bag because I had to pay for the bag)

So that's it...that is all I bought and I spent a whopping $29!!!! Not that $29 will break the bank, but for such few items...yikes! But, the cheddar cheese is worth it :) And the boxes of mac n cheese are very special treats for S when she is really really good. We haven't eaten the granola bars I hope they are really worth it! I almost splurged on a small jar of peanut butter, but it was $12 and extra extra crunchy.

So far it doesn't look like they have coupons here in Russia, however, the grocery store down the street gives out a sticker per 1000 rubles spent (i think...). I have no idea what to do with them yet...and they don't necessarily give them out every time. I assume once you get so many stickers something special happens...just not sure what that is yet :)

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