Monday, May 31, 2010

Bottle Drama!

I decided to try and switch bottles on little Samantha. I big deal...all bottles are almost the same and she won't even notice the difference.
I am always looking to save time, get quicker at things, and multitask since there are too few hours in a day. I currently have to wash 6 pieces for each bottle and she goes through at least 6 bottles a day! That is at least 36 small pieces, most with tiny crevices that you need special tools to wash with! So, I found a great alternative with only 3 pieces to wash.
We have tried on and off and she didn't seem to mind much. Well tonight she let us know once and for all what she really thinks about the new bottle...
She started fussing some and we kept giving her the bottle...the crying picked up more and more until she finally started choking on herself...I still thought we could keep crying after I burped her some...oh boy was I wrong! Since I obviously wasn't getting the message she decided to really let me know by reversing out all 6 oz plus some all over me and the couch!
Needless to say we will keep using the old bottles and I will keep washing all 36 pieces every day...

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