Tuesday, August 27, 2013

And the verdict is.....

I know you are all anxiously awaiting which apartment we chose....

Well wait no more ;)

The apartment the Joneses will call home for the next three or so years is.....

Apartment 2 - The One with all the Playgrounds!!!

So what do you think of our choice?!?!?

Well it ended up not being completely a "choice" but what we ended up with. It was my #2 and A's #1. We actually started rent negotiations with the One by the Zoo.... However the land lady was getting flaky and started making up hidden costs. Not only was she moving the price slowly out of our budget, but she was becoming difficult. We quickly realized we didn't want to deal with her for the next 3 years! 

On the other hand, the land lady for this apartment we chose is very nice and her daughter speaks English! Yay! We can communicate! She also honored (almost) all our requests -- microwave, toddler bed, new washer/dryer and walk in closet! We are still waiting on the washer/dryer since the new one they bought was apparently dropped when delivered. It doesn't work, so they have theoretically called on a "specialist" to fix it. The specialist has been no where in sight and we are going on one week now... 
The kids seem happy with the choice because they get to play in the sand box a lot. They also enjoy all the sliding closet doors and mirrors. S is frequently performing in front of them!

1 comment:

  1. My wife and I enjoy watching HHI and this is a great writeup! Thanks for taking the time to share your experiences!

    Blake Leslie
